A trend towards trust-based philanthropy has emerged in the last few years. Trust-based philanthropy works to build a more equitable nonprofit-funder ecosystem through a rigorous approach that values relationship-building and power-sharing over transaction and control. For example, providing general operating (as opposed to project specific grants) to organizations, and more consistent funding through multi-year grants, funders give nonprofits the ability to plan, grow, and innovate around emergent needs. This trust and flexibility helps foster a healthier and more resilient social sector.
In its Education and Leadership Impact Grants Program, BLBB Charitable supports its grantee partners through multi-year funding grants, the majority of which are for general operating support. Most of these grants are for three consecutive years, allowing organizations to plan and budget for the immediate future. Starting in 2023, BLBB Charitable will support several of its Youth Development and Leadership partners with multi-year general operating funds, including grants to:
Multi-year support has allowed BLBB grantees, The Mercer Museum and Pennypack Ecological Restoration Trust, to plan for their BLBB Charitable Educational Internship programs. These programs create important post-secondary opportunities for students on environmental, community education and engagement, and cultural career paths. Finally, BLBB Charitable grantees ACHIEVEability, Bucks County Opportunity Center, Clarifi and Women’s Way, that are working to break generational and gendered patterns of poverty through economic self-sufficiency programs and financial coaching can commit long-term to the women and families they support thanks to the multi-year funding we provide. The BLBB Charitable Board of Directors is committed to continuing its focus on multi-year funding in order to support the capacity and sustainability of its strong nonprofit partners in the community.