BLBB Insights

| June 16, 2021

BLBB Charitable Awards Scholarships for Financial Planning Majors at Temple

The Ellis Foundation-BLBB Charitable Financial Planning Scholarship at the Temple Fox School of Business is awarded to Temple undergraduates majoring in Financial Planning. In Spring 2021, BLBB Charitable awarded two new scholarship winners to join returning students who were the inaugural recipients of The Ellis Foundation-BLBB Charitable Financial Planning Scholarship and who will receive scholarship support through this program again.

Awarded each April after a process that begins in January, priority for the scholarship is given to rising juniors who have the chance to receive four consecutive semesters of support. A key part of BLBB Charitable’s desire in establishing the scholarship is to encourage recipients to give back to the community. In fact, this summer, those students will help Snider Youth Hockey’s Youth Leadership Council with a stock market challenge game. Scholarship recipients are required to participate in financial education activities with other BLBB Charitable grantees in the Philadelphia region.

Daniel Lugo is one of this year’s recipients. Next year, he will lead Temple’s Financial Planning Association. John T. Lawton, Vice President of BLBB Charitable and Principal of BLB&B Advisors, presented the awards at Temple University’s Department of Finance Virtual Awards Presentation. “We are so happy to celebrate these amazing young leaders. Leadership is key to determining which organizations and individuals we partner with, and these winners are not just leaders in the classroom, but leaders outside the classroom.”


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